The Covid-19 pandemic challenges humanity: REFOUNDING A EUROPE OF SOLIDARITY!
A first workshop organized by the Women Assembly will take place Friday, October 30 (12pm to 2pm)
Economic violence against women and girls:
COVID-19 gives us attentionWith the speeches of:
Alyssa Ahrabare (European Network of Migrant women)
Elena Blasco (Secretary for equality at Comisiones Obreras)
Laeticia Thissen (Policy Advisor on Gender Equality at the Foundation for European Progressive Studies (FEPS))
Maria Grammatikou (Professor, Trade-Unionist)
Marina Monaco (European Trade Union Confederation) (TBC)
Moderator : Jeanne Ponte (Génération.s)You are all invited to participate:
To participate, register to the Forum and you will receive the link to join this online debate!
Registration here: